
The lies you have been sold about sleep

Sleep is a daily topic in my practice. Whether my patient has struggles with their marriage or mood or just life in general, sleep gets affected. There is so much pressure around sleep. Arianna Huffington leads a “Sleep Revolution” and claims that lack of sleep will make us seriously ill and not functioning at our best. Research has shown that people with insomnia function as well as people without insomnia. We somehow manage to pool our resources when we need it most. There is a big difference between insomnia and sleep deprivation. You are sleep deprived when you desperately need…

The torture of sleep deprivation

A couple came to see me as the last stop before initiating divorce proceedings. Since the birth of their son 18 months before, their home had deteriorated into a war zone. Their baby had colic and was a particularly bad sleeper. Typically, the baby would squawk, and mom would jump up to try to settle him before he woke properly. Inevitably, he did wake and then stayed awake for hours. Mom would become tearful and desperate. Knowing this, dad would also jump up when baby stirred because he wanted to support mom. Both parents were exhausted. Mom was in a…

Cape Town folk believe in mental health

Cape Town is a city that’s blessed to have its heart as a nature reserve. And Cape Town residents relish opportunities to appreciate it. When it’s hot we are on Cape Town’s beaches. When its very hot we hike in her forests. And when the wind blows, we go fly a kite. Every year the Annual Kite Festival is hosted by Cape Mental Health (27-28 October) Its message is simple- “we all have a right to fly.” The right to explore our abilities and live our best life. That is why they are my favourite charity.

Is Meditation really all that?

Is Meditation all that? Well, I’m glad you asked. Meditation is the practice of using various techniques to train the mind to focus and be clear. The modern world is becoming more and more plugged-in, frenetic and multi-tasking. Meditation may well need to be the next step in our evolution. Eastern religions and philosophies have always extolled the benefits of meditation. In the West, we have been more sceptical of the benefits of sitting still and doing “nothing”. Over the last few decades, science has been applying tools like functional MRI’s and EEG’s and rigorous research techniques, like longitudinal studies,…

The happiness enigma

A patient recently came into my practice and pleaded: “I just want to be happy.” I was touched. Afterall, who doesn’t want to be happy? It was such a seemingly small and reasonable request. I felt that I was letting her down by saying that I could not guarantee happiness. That happiness is a state of wellbeing that encompasses living a good life and has to be self-generated. As a psychiatrist, I could help her with her thieves of happiness. Those forces which thwart her attempts to be happy. In this patient, it was the unholy triad of depression, poor boundaries…

Greenspaces: Our brains’ call to the wild

I love it when evidence comes out to support my favourite theories. Patients in my practice often discuss the healing nature of nature. Of how the curved lines and gentle sounds are the perfect antidotes to our jagged plugged-in modern day lives. The poets and writers have always known it. John Burroughs wrote: “I go to nature to be soothed and healed, and to have my senses put in order.” Over the last few years, science has concurred that the healing power of nature is more than just whimsy. Architects and city planners are taking heed, with thought going into…

Inflammation: the brain on fire

A patient came in very upset. She was suffering from headaches and joint pains. She had been to various physicians and had several tests done. She was told that her pain was due to her mood disorder. She felt that she wasn’t being taken seriously, that her doctors wrote it off as “all in her head”. The reality is that mental illnesses can make you physically ill, and physical illnesses can trigger a psychiatric illness. The common pathway is inflammation Inflammation is your body’s response to insult and injury. It is normal and necessary. It’s when a part of your…

Facts on Fasting

Somewhere along the line, we got the message that three meals a day plus snacks is the healthiest. That if we let ourselves get hungry we risk binging to catch up on – and then overshoot – our daily calorie requirements. We know that breakfast is the most important meal of the day and we must not skip it under any circumstance. The idea behind breakfast is that we are hypoglycemic in the mornings, so need breakfast to get our metabolisms going. It seems that we have to once again change how we think about food. Current evidence supports the…

The Exercise Prescription

We all know that we need to get more exercise. In today’s technologically driven world we sit too much and move too little. Being a working mom, I am well aware of how I am always rushing around, but not physically moving very much. It is hard to find the time (and inclination) to exercise with dedication. Doctors have been telling their patients to exercise more since  Hippocrates said: “walking is man’s best medicine”.  A medical prescription is very clear as to the dosage, duration and frequency that is needed. The recommendations on how much and how often to exercise…

The spirit of community

Simon and Garfunkel sang “I am a rock, I am an island” in the 60’s. Concepts like autonomy, self-reliance, winning and individuation have all been useful in carrying mankind forward. “Tall poppies” are no longer cut down, but celebrated. You no longer have to feel bad for being ambitious beyond your circumstance, or for putting yourself first. The pendulum might have swung out a bit far; there has been a cost to this kind of mindset. Loneliness and isolation are on the rise. In a US survey, the number of adults with zero confidants has tripled since the 80’s. Adults, especially…
